Sunday, September 30, 2018

Plastic Awareness

     I have recently been reading a lot of discussion related to plastic and how it is effecting our oceans and the environment. I went into a bit more depth when viewing a silly photo on the Surfrider Foundation website that showed a sushi roll made of plastic. 

It got me thinking that literally every fish that is eaten has likely ingested plastic everyday and the photo was all but true to people who eat raw fish. The reality of this photo makes complete sense, but do enough people really care?

Ditch the Straw PDX
     There has been local discussion about getting rid of straws. The Ditch The Straw PDX group has taken action to bring awareness to plastic by campaigning to get rid of straws. When I think of straws, I do not think of an overflow of plastic waste. I think of a clean fresh item to be used for each drink. I mean seriously reused straws can get mold in them! Can they really ever truly be cleaned and reused?
     The marketing crew who came up with this campaign hit home. The thought of getting rid of plastic straws is hilarious and has brought awareness worldwide to the plastic problem in our oceans with a humorous statement but a real possibility of getting rid of straws is there. Whatever their plan was, they brought enough awareness in the Portland area that: 

"On Wednesday, June 20, 2018, Portland City Council passed a resolution directing the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability to develop a strategy to reduce single-use, nonrecyclable plastics, including straws." 

The Surfrider Foundation 
     This company has grown worldwide to help bring awareness to how plastic and other pollutants are harming the oceans. Their value proposition is just that -- to bring awareness. They are a company that is attempting to manage a crisis that is here now and will be here in the future if we don't take action to make changes. 
     The biggest challenge this company faces is whether or not people care. Plastic is such a prominent part of the world we know, it is going to take a lot of work for them to figure out alternatives. As I said above, the thought for me of using a reusable straw grosses me out!
     To close, I feel like the company should focus on a solution to the problem and have a crew of scientists actually figuring out an alternative disposable item, instead of pushing the reusable option. The marketing approach was good. I have seen tons of plastic awareness campaigns and the Ditch the Straw campaign is one that brought so much controversy and discussion that people are actually considering alternatives. Finally, this assignment for me was fun. This is my first blog and opinion of a world problem. 

     --"Marketing in the News" Blog

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

About Me

I am enrolled in this class as part of my business degree, but am also interested in marketing in general.  I work in a small professional office and we are always pushing to be at the top of google searches.  Marketing is what will make that happen.

Outside of college, I am passionate about church activities and my children's sporting events. I also enjoy reading historical fiction and jogging in my spare time.